How Data Integration Services Helps The Retail Industry To Grow?

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Do you want to transform the retail industry? Do you want to build a business which should focus on the customers specifically? If you are, it’s time to improve in some areas that make a better impact on your customer’s experience. Customers expect more from the retail business, so the industry needs to update itself to fulfill them! The industry should adopt the recent changes in consumers’ shopping habits to cater to their needs. But before that, you need to understand how these things work. To understand the whole thing, you must know what data integration is and how it works for maintaining different businesses online.

What is data integration & how it works?

Data integration is the procedure that allows for bringing multiple data from different sources and grouping them. The role of the data integration consultant is to bring the data to one place, which is scattered and helpful for different tasks.

Data integration is performed into the data warehouse system through a specific tool. This tool is capable of transforming, extracting, and loading data and turning them into the necessary information.

We all know that the retail business works with a huge number of customers, and it’s common that they have multiple data to deal with. Different tools, databases, systems & departments surround these data. Most leading retailers take help from complex architecture or technologies, which are costly and make the process more difficult.

So, here the data integration system brings opportunities for the retail business to leverage the data. The system helps to generate and transform the data into relevant insights for evaluating business growth.

Every department in the retail business will get benefits through this integrated and holistic approach. You must design successful strategies and campaigns for evaluating customer journeys as a retailer.

Importance of Data integration for the retail industry

As a retail company, you must build multiple data integration strategies by consulting with the Data integration services. If you want to enjoy a unified data source, it is necessary to go through this technique. Data integration technique plays an important role in ensuring the traceability of the client interaction. Retailers must achieve a consistent user experience for their clients in an integrated way.

Being a retailer, you should have a good understanding of customer behaviours and their journeys. Through data integration, a business can improve its product’s reachability and increase its ROI tremendously. It helps to fulfill the expectations and needs of customers. But the thing is, many companies still face challenges in maintaining the holistic views of the customer.

As per recent studies, it is found that only 17% of the retailers had their data integrated. Suppose you want to understand customers’ journeys and make some changes based on that. In that case, you need to adopt this data integration technique for your business with the help of Data integration services.

Also read: What Is Reverse ETL? Things To Know About This Modern Data Integration Process

How to perform data integration in an e-commerce business?

We have already discussed the importance of data integration in an e-commerce business. But do you know how to implement this in your business? Vast industries use this data integration platform and desire optimum results. This tool for online retailers helps to migrate huge numbers of data from the data warehouse system. This is done to minimize the workload of analytics and business intelligence. Here we share different concerns that one should make while choosing a data integration solution.

  • Manual Vs. Automated data integration:

There is no such right way to perform data integration in the eCommerce industry, but yes, there is a wrong way, known as manual data entry. If you have employees who are just doing the copy-paste job on excel spreadsheets, then you are just wasting valuable time & money. Instead of this, you can try a data integration tool, which collects data in an automated way. This tool comes with the drag & drop interface which is easy to complete with just a few clicks.

  • ETL Vs. ELT:

Do you know what ETL means? ETL complies with the process of extract, transform, and loading approach. ELT is just the alternative option to ETL, which follows a series of processes, including extract, load, and transfer. So, the only difference between them is the steps’ reverse order. The ELT process is designed for structuring unstructured or big data. It contains the data in multiple formats, like images, texts, and videos. This process involves better flexibility and agility as compared to ETL.

But there are some drawbacks like security, privacy, or quality. To deal with these drawbacks, there is another variant of ETL, which is known as ETLT. This process includes 2 stages of transformation one is prepared before the loading, and another is after loading. In the first level of transformation, it plays a crucial role, for example, cleansing the data and masking sensitive & confidential information. However, heavy-duty transformations come into the picture in the second level of transformation, which maintains the integration of data into multiple sources. So, now it’s your duty to choose any of the above-discussed options to meet your business needs.

  • Prebuilt & custom data integration:

The next question that might pop up is whether you should use the data integration platform or not. There are multiple prebuilt & custom data integrations that you can choose as per the need of your business. If you don’t have much budget, then you can choose the prebuilt solution for your eCommerce business that fits with the existing setup.

This type of integration helps to save you a great deal of money, time, and effort. At the same time, building its own custom data integration for an eCommerce business is also feasible. But most e-commerce business avoids this because to operate this; you need to hold expertise in coding. To perform this, you need to be an expert in coding. Another disadvantage of custom data integration tools is they can be brittle and suddenly stop working when there is a system change notice and also costs high maintenance value.

Also read: How Data Can Give You The Advantage In The Retail Industry

How did the retail industry get benefitted from the data integration technique?

For retailers, it is vital to be focused on integrating the data and making a timely approach. By leveraging the data integration tool to your business, you can make your business capable of building retail intelligence. So, here is how the retail industry got benefitted and successfully fulfilled the customer’s expectations by meeting with the Data integration consulting services.

  • No more inaccurate data:

When a business use a data integration system, the chances of inaccuracies in data can be minimized. Data organization is necessary for every organization, and data inaccuracies can mislead the insights. The data integration technique helps to collect and transform the data into a unified format. It helps to extract accurate insights and better decision-making.

  • Get cost-effective options:

Data synchronization is necessary for a business dealing with multiple data forms. Every organization needs to get consistent and accurate or clean forms of data. This is the cost-effective and holistic approach to generating data.

  • Get easier access:

This is easier access for the retail business. A unified data warehouse also reduces storage costs. The customer service department mostly focuses on the issues of the inability to access the best information. The data integration helps to appropriate the users across the data discovery & data modeling. This is the faster and most convenient to use tool.

  • Optimizing the resources:

By integrating the data with a single accessible location it helps the business to reduce the risk of loss. Instead of spending on costly storage solutions, it will be worth investing in a single location.

  • Accessibility:

The role of data integration is helpful for the accessibility of the data. This type of data integration tool is necessary for generating insights. By generating the best solution, you can enhance or leverage the business.

  • Personalization:

Do you want to give a consistent experience to your customers? If you want a holistic customer approach, it is necessary to unify the customer’s data. By integrating the data, you can enhance your business’s brand visibility and ROI.

  • Inventory optimization:

Optimizing data also helps to maintain the inventory system. With this tool, you can also understand customers’ behaviour and evaluate their needs & segments.

Apart from these, there are multiple profits that help the retail industry for growth. These are the reasons why multiple businesses want to integrate their data through data integration tools. To get all these benefits, you must look for the right development companies. There are multiple development companies that offer Data integration consulting services. You can get the best results and run your eCommerce business confidently by consulting with the right data integration team. So, what are you waiting for? Research the best development company or data integration business that helps your business to grow!


Do you want to transform your business and interact with customers? Data integration gives a 360-degree view of the customer’s operations. The retail data integration system helps identify opportunities and understands the marketplace trends. It helps the business to outgrow the changing trend.

GetOnData, a top Data Analytics Expert provides custom data integration solutions for the retail enterprise to solve complex data integration challenges using our best data integration tools.

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